lunes, 15 de octubre de 2012


I am writing to respond to your article about the loss of the father's role in the family today. I feel that it was most unfair and there are many admirable fathers to show boys which is the concept of 'being a father' nowadays. I think that fathers who spent as much time as they can inside the home and take care of their children instead of never really get to know them should be more valued. I would like to describe someone who has been a real father and I know IN PERSON and who, in my opinion, has behave as I mentioned - my own father.
Throughout his life, my father has been concerning for me and my brother. He took responsiblidty for my brother when he was born while my mother was working during the nights and demonstrated that he could do it as well as a woman. This entailed that the connection between him and my brother became really close. After that moment, I was born and my father took care of me as well as with my brother. Therefore, our father got to know us perfectly and he turned into not only my brother's model but also mine's. He was always attentive and thoughtful besides he worked long hours during the day, but he contributed to our education undoubtedly.
Even when my brother and I grew old, he kept providing help and knowledge. Whenever possible, we always went together on a trip or share our problems. This could have been a bit embarrasing for any other father, nonetheless, he trusted us and was not ashamed of talking about his worries. This, instead of making us feel insecure, helped us to open our hearts to him and tell him about ours.
Overall, I think that I most admire his spirit and optimism. Neither greedy nor careless with us, he made many sacrifices for us. He raised us to be as him and I am sure that my brother and I will be good parents with our children following his example. Who could ask for a better role model for us?
Yours faithfully,

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